Psoriasis and the Sun

    Psoriasis is the most frequent and severe dermatosis. It is a chronic and autoimmune disease, in the course of which the immune system stimulates skin cells to develop quicker and overlap over the old ones. It leads to cell accretion on the skin’s surface. Skin cells become thick and ascend over the surface, forming silver furfurs, which itch and desquamate.

    UVB-rays are more effective for psoriasis treatment

    Many people, who suffer from psoriasis, wait edgily for the beginning of summer, because disease symptoms have a tendency to remit with the increase of sun light and humidity.

    How the sun treats psoriasis?

    The sun produces ultraviolet sun rays, which are classified as UVA and UVB rays. UVB-rays are more effective for the treatment of effects and patches, produced by psoriasis, because they slow down high rates of growth and skin cells.

    Sunlight is available for psoriasis patients most of the time, but in some cases it is also recommended to consider ultraviolet light therapy for psoriasis.

    According to results from research, UVB rays with the wave length of 311 nm clear skin from patches much faster and provide remission for a longer term.

    Phototherapy, in the course of which UV lamp with narrow band B rays is used, is distinguished by many advantages. The main ones are:

    • Possibility of use of psoriasis sun lamp as a single method and in combination with medicines or other means, including nail psoriasis.
    • Effective elimination of psoriatic skin areas.
    • Absence of discomfort of patients, depression of immune system and side effects.
    • Minimum body burden.
    • Long-lasting remission.
    • Possibility of application in treatment of pregnant women.
    • Moderate procedures cost.

    Besides ultraviolet irradiation is an effective method.

    Posted: November 25, 2013 by Sarah Senton


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