Causes and Symptoms of Vitiligo

    Vitiligo is a medical condition in which the body attacks melanocyte cells on a certain area of the skin, causing the appearance of discolored blotches. The location and size of those spots may vary in every case. If vitiligo is not treated, the damaged skin areas may remain permanently discolored, and even change location or disappear on its own. Narrow Band UVB light therapy for vitiligo treatment is highly effective.


    The main causes of vitiligo

    Scientists are still not completely sure about the origin of the disease. The most probable causes are:

    • Stress.
    • Autoimmune disorders.
    • Severe sunburn.
    • Exposure to hazardous chemicals.
    • Genetics.
    • Viral disease.
    • Neurotrophic and endocrine factors.

    According to scientists, vitiligo most often appears during the ages of 20 and below. However, it is hard to determine which ages, genders, or ethnicities are at the highest risk. This disease is not infectious, which is why it can’t be transmitted. Among the triggers are: diseases of internal organs, stresses, intoxications, or wearing synthetic materials of a poor quality.

    Vitiligo types

    The scientists classify two types of vitiligo: segmental and nonsegmental. The segmental type is more common among children, when different areas of the skin are damaged with scattered blotches. 90% of adults have the second type, when discolored spots appear symmetrically on both sides of the body – palms, knees, elbows or feet. In more rare cases, the disease can affect the entire body. This is known as the universal type of vitiligo.

    Nonsegmental vitiligo is divided into several subtypes:

    1. Generalized type doesn’t have affect a particular location, and may vary in size.
    2. Vitiligo that is located on the mucous membranes can affect the eyes or lips.
    3. Universal vitiligo can cover a large area of the body, but this type is quite rare.
    4. Localized vitiligo is characterized by one or several white spots scattered throughout the entire body. This type is common among children.

    Only 10% of population have segmental vitiligo. It spreads quicker, but is considered more stable and constant. This type is easier to treat.

    Doctor recommendations

    Vitiligo symptoms

    The one and only symptom of vitiligo is the appearance of discolored spots. At the beginning, their color doesn’t differ too much from the rest of the skin, however, with time they get noticeably lighter. The spots don’t have a certain shape or size. Their edges can be torn and partly red from irritation. Irritated areas may itch. Besides the spots and some discomfort due to itchiness, vitiligo is not very noticeable and doesn’t influence the work of internal organs. It has been observed that the more sunlight that reaches the discolored areas, the more they are able to progress.

    Today, no one can give an exact answer on how fast the disease will progress and what it was caused by. Every patient has a different course for the disease. Sometimes, blotches cover the entire body with scary speed, and sometimes they don’t change in size for months. Every case requires careful examination and treatment.

    Briefly about vitiligo:

    1. Besides the external symptoms, in most cases, vitiligo is absolutely harmless for normal body functioning.
    2. There are two main types of vitiligo.
    3. Vitiligo equally affects people of different ethnicities, ages and genders.
    4. The origin of vitiligo is not completely understood, but most scientists agree that it has autoimmune basis.
    5. The color of the damaged areas of skin is caused by melanocytes failure to produce melanin in certain areas.
    6. Treatment requires a consultation with a qualified specialist. More information about vitiligo treatment you can find here:
    7. One of the most effective methods is phototherapy treatment for vitiligo.
    Posted: December 20, 2017 by UVB-lamps Team


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