Eczema is quite a common condition among babies. It shows up as a bunch of red flaky spots on the skin. The disease is easily treated, and usually goes away with age. But if you noticed a suspicious rash or itch, certainly visit a pediatrician – don’t practice self-healing.
An early sign of eczema is appearance of red spots. Skin on the affected areas becomes dry, stiff and itchy. Most often, eczema among kids shows up on the cheeks, or in the folds of the arms and legs.
Another medical term for eczema is “atopic dermatitis”, which has similar symptoms to “seborrheal dermatitis”, but there are certain differences:
Eczema can be genetically inherited, and often appears in families where at least one of the parents suffered from it.
Children with hypersensitive skin prone to allergies are more likely to develop the disease.
That is often what happens. Most kids “grow out” of eczema by the time they start school. But in some cases, predisposition to atopic dermatitis can remain even into adulthood. Even without obvious symptoms, these people still have extra dry skin. If the disease didn`t go away by itself, you can try eczema phototherapy.
Dry itchy skin can be caused by very low humidity in the room (when the air is over dried by heating), especially during the cold time of the year. Eczema symptoms can be aggravated by other triggers, such as scratchy wool clothes, items from polyester, detergents, etc.
Health conditions of the child suffering from eczema can get worse in hot air that causes sweating. Other possible triggers are dairy, eggs, peanuts, etc. Breast feeding mothers consuming those foods may also trigger a reaction for the baby.
This type of skin needs special care:
Without a doubt, the best method is to follow the doctor’s recommendations. With the doctor’s permission, you can use UVB-lamps as a form of treatment to improve the little patient’s condition. Read more about effective methods of eczema light treatment