Hormones and Psoriasis

    There is a popular opinion, that hormonal instability directly affects psoriasis conditions. For example, menopause or pregnancy have a dual effect on the skin: sometimes the disease recedes, and sometimes it worsens. Despite of the numerous studies, there is no scientific explanation yet, that would prove the existing connection between hormonal balance changes and psoriasis. But at the same time, you can’t deny some facts proving that this connection may exist. In this article you will find more information on this subject.


    Scientists from the Utah State University in Salt Lake City conducted several studies among pregnant and non-pregnant women, to see if the level of progesterone and estrogen impacts the psoriasis symptoms. Among 47 pregnant women, who suffered from psoriasis and participated in that experiment in 2006, 55% of the cases detected the improvement of skin conditions, the other 23% confirmed worsening. The rest of the group didn’t notice any changes. In some cases, changes were noticed not during pregnancy, but after the delivery.

    This study established the fact, that if during the first pregnancy the conditions were worsening, then with the next pregnancy woman will experience this worsening again.

    It’s very important to remember, that during pregnancy some medications are strictly prohibited, that’s why before planning to become a mother consult your dermatologist. This is especially important if woman is planning breastfeeding.



    The connection between psoriasis and pregnancy is studied better, unfortunately, there is less information about how menopause affects the skin with psoriasis conditions. According to the previous researches, when higher estrogen levels among pregnant women improved the skin conditions, with estrogen decrease (during menopause) psoriasis patients suppose to have a worsening of the disease.

    According to the results of another study, that were published at specialized dermatology magazine in 2016, psoriasis symptoms can be aggravated by hormonal changes among 60+ years old women.

    Another research, conducted by a group of scientists, led by Kristina Callis Duffin, MD, associate professor of dermatology at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, hadn’t shown any particular connection between hormonal decrease, taking oral contraceptives and psoriasis symptoms worsening. At the same time Duffin believes, that this result can’t be considered final, because in some cases women confirm an improvement of psoriasis conditions during menopause.


    Psoriasis treatment has to be prescribed individually for every patient. Pregnant woman should realize, that some medications can be dangerous not only for her, but for the baby as well. The safest method of treatment for both – pregnant and menopause aged women, is a complex of measures, including medications, phototherapy, healthy lifestyle and balanced diet.

    Posted: January 21, 2018 by UVB-lamps Team


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