Yes, there actually are frequently asked questions about vitiligo treatment, but mostly because people often feel uncomfortable asking them, we’d like to prepare a few answers. This is just a basic Q&A, so if you want to know more – contact your local dermatologist.
Q: Can vitiligo be cured completely?
A: Unfortunately today’s medical science still doesn’t give us a 100% way to get rid of this terrible skin disease. Taking into account the nature of this illness and the state of research process – we may as well get a cure in the next 10 to 15 years. At the moment all we can do is stop vitiligo from spreading and weaken the symptoms. Read more about: How to treat vitiligo
Q: Is vitiligo contagious?
A: No, there hasn’t been one documented case, when someone just caught vitiligo from a diseased person. You may shake hands, talk, drink from the same cup and have intimate connections – you won’t get infected. Though some scientists believe they had found a microorganism that causes vitiligo – there’s no formal proof yet.
Q: I heard of laser vitiligo therapy. Does it work?
A: Ideed, excimer UV lasers are sometimes used to treat skin disease, such as psoriasis and vitiligo. It is actually a form of UV phototherapy, because the laser is essentially a beam of coherent light. Intensive UV radiation exposure for the diseased skin is quite effective in some cases, while being utter failure in the others. You’re not risking much if you try.
Q: Is UV Phototherapy effective against vitiligo?
A: Well, you can say so. In combination with the other treatment methods, it’s known to have stopped the damaged skin growth as well as rendered the pigmentation almost unseen. It’s just one of your weapons in the unending struggle with this disease. As for efficiency – it may not be super effective by itself, but it greatly increases the overall progress when used with other therapy.
Q: Can you get cancer using UV rays?
A: There’s a possibility – the same one as the chance to get a melanoma or a carcinoma in the sun. UV light may have a destructive influence on the skin, but as you know – any poison is beneficial if taken in minute amounts. The same principle applies to the UV light treatment for vitiligo and other skin diseases. When used in a smart way and according to the safety rules – phototherapy is not dangerous at all.
Q: Is it a good idea to buy a UVB lamp?
A: If you’re responsible enough to follow the manual – yes. UV narrow band light therapy takes a lot of time to take effect, so if you apply it in a clinic, your plans will always have to include appointments. Having such a device at home, you can spend some 15 minutes a week to maintain slow but inevitable progress in your struggle against vitiligo.