UV Clinics – psoriasis help or cancer trade

    It is a fact, that UV light can cause skin cancer. Direct sunlight as well as tanning booths has already caused a lot of trouble. Statistically, melanoma (and that is the not the most common skin cancer) is caused by the wish for a fast tan in 15.7% cases! It means that if you’re exposing your skin to UV rays systematically, there’s a good chance you’ve already got cancer.

    It’s not surprising, that the majority of people consider narrow band UVB phototherapy (normally used as medical help for psoriasis) a dangerous idea. They are partially right, because even isolated bandwidth UV lamps (usually UVA and UVB) don’t give you total insurance. Cancer can be completely impossible to sight at first and when it starts to bother you, it’s usually too late.

    So, how to help psoriasis and not suffer grave consequences?

    The answer to this question will be formed from two parts – smart UV phototherapy and other kinds of treatment.

    Of course, damage from ionizing radiation or artificial UV light will often be the cause of cancer,but it depends on the time of exposure greatly. It is dangerous when we talk about extreme levels of applied radiation or prolonged application.

    Now, as we know, the manufacturers don’t attempt to produce an “atomizer”, that would cook a steak over easy in a few seconds. The UVA and UVB lamps they sell usually give out a ridiculously small dose of radiation, that wouldn’t cause sunburnsin a week.Nevertheless, the method of treatment devised to help with psoriasis clearly states the time of phototherapy séance and the time between them.

    While someone may say it’s imperative to be treated in a hospital or another specialized medical institution, lots of patients just don’t have the time for all the appointments. These are two equal sides, each with its own pros and cons:

    1. At home you can apply phototherapy when and where it’s convenient for you. Psoriasis is not contagious, that’s why you can treat it at home without any possible risk. The only drawback is that it would take more time to get the desired result.
    2. Hospital treatment gives you better efficiency, because it’s controlled by professional doctors. Besides, it can include some medicine (psoralens, for example) to make the process faster. It sounds great, but you must include doctor appointments into your tight schedule.

    Actually, statistics hold no information about any patients of PUVA (psoralens + UVA light) phototherapy falling victim to skin cancer. There’s a good reason for that – there are none. UVB light therapy treatment for psoriasis can`t cause any kind of skin cancer if performed correctly.

    Anyway, there are other ways to cope with this illness. Now, what helps psoriasis symptoms go away? Topical treatment, of course – the basic and most popular way to get rid of any skin disease. There are lots of different ointments, including plain Vaseline, that help psoriasis patients to feel relief.

    This is a disease, that makes your skin really dry, thus can be countered by oiling or otherwise moisturizing it. Of course, crèmes and ointments alone won’t give a 100% effect, but they’re worth a try.

    In fact – nothing is completely effective against psoriasis. The illness is with a person for life, but all the various treatments can render it practically invisible by nullifying the symptoms. A skin disease without any effect on the skin can be considered defeated, right? That’s what most people think, because of the psychological pressure.

    Just think:

    1. The diseased person is tense, because he knows he looks horrible. It lowers the self-esteem, messes up the attitude and otherwise depresses.
    2. The people around understand that it’s just a disease, though some of them think psoriasis is contagious, so they try not to get into any contact with the infected person. There’s some truth there – scientists believe that such an infection exists. But there were no cases of getting psoriasis through any physical contact with the ill person.

    Now, if there’s no sign of damaged skin and everything looks normal, the patient doesn’t have to worry about anything. He can proceed with normal life and be happy, right? Well, yes, but there’s one really nasty feature of psoriasis – it’s hereditary. Of course, there’s just a slight chance for a person to inherit psoriatic state, but it’s much higher than the chance for other people just to fall get this disease.

    In any way, psoriasis is considered a threat to people’s welfare, that’s why lots of scientific institutions all over the world conduct research on the way to cure this illness completely. Someday we will be able to go out to the pharmacy and buy some magical ointment capable of banishing psoriasis from your body. As for now – go buy yourself a UV lamp and get rid of the symptoms! Read also how to treat scalp psoriasis at home in our article https://uvb-lamps.com/blog/how-to-treat-scalp-psoriasis-at-home-uv-light-as-your-best-friend-and-worst-enemy/.

    Posted: April 18, 2014 by Patrick Lowe


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