What Is The Cause of Super Acne?

    The problem of excessive use of antibiotics became common after ineffectiveness of treatment of many diseases. Superinfection is resistant to many of the newest antibacterial drugs. Super acne is no exception.The disease brings not only physical suffering, but also psychological trauma. What is super acne and why does it occur?

    How does the problem happen?

    Antibiotics are present in our life not only as medicines. They enter the body through meat products, fish, eggs, milk, farm foods due to uncontrolled use of it in agricultural production and livestock.Excessive amounts of antibiotics cause the resistance of bacteria to antibacterial drugs. It leads to dysbiosis, as well as to other somatic diseases.

    A super acne is a severe form of acne, which develops due to overdosing of antibiotics. The inflammatory process starts from the violation of the pilasebate structure, which consists of the sebaceous glands and the hair follicle.

    Reproduction of bacteria P.acnes, Staphylococcus epidermidis and other cocci occurs due to clogging of pores. The release of excessive amounts of sebum develops along with resistance to antibacterial agents. The process is accompanied by the reduced immunity. As a result, a patient may get acne, painful nodules, seborrhea, etc. which are formed on the skin surface. These symptoms develop in both men and women.

    The bacterium itself is conditionally pathogenic and can perfectly exist on the skin, without causing negative effects. Under the influence of antibiotics, it begins to parasitize becoming the skin enemy, changing the strain and susceptibility to antibacterial drugs.

    Superinfection is dangerous because of the risk of sepsis, bacterial shock, and even death.

    The main causes of super acne are:

    • unreasonable use of antibiotics (tetracycline, erythromycin, doxycycline, etc.);
    • antibiotic therapy;
    • long-term treatment with antibacterial agents.


    Related causes of super acne

    Super acne can be caused by multiple conditions, in addition to resistance to antibiotics:

    • Heredity. According to research if someone from the family suffers from acne, the next generation will also have the same problems.
    • Puberty is accompanied by hormonal bursts, which also affect the structure and function of the skin.
    • Poor hygiene promotes the development of acne. Touching the face with dirty hands, not removing makeup, ignoring of hygienic procedures can cause disruption of the sebaceous glands and blockage of the ducts.
    • Stress is one of the frequent reasons when excessive production of cortisol (a stress hormone) causes the development of acne.
    • Imbalanced diet leads not only to health problems in general, but also to dermatological diseases. Especially harmful are sugar, dyes, preservatives, fatty and spicy food.
    • The mechanical action or popping acne leads to the expansion of the inflammation area, as well as to serious complication.
    • Immune system disorders: fighting against pathological microorganisms cells produce lymphocytes and leukocytes, which can affect the work of the sebaceous glands, causing acne.
    • Chronic diseases disrupt immunity and microflora, causing the imbalance of biochemical and physiological processes.
    • Excessive exposure to the sun damages the skin structure, causing dryness, premature aging, disruption of the work of sebaceous glands, blocking pores.
    • The use of certain drugs – antibiotics, oral contraceptives, anabolics, etc. disrupts the work of the sweat and sebaceous glands, contributing to the development of acne.
    • Wrong selection of cosmetics for skin care can lead to the development of acne.

    Psychoemotional factor

    Super acne is not just a physical suffering. Patients often experience depression, psychological complexes, which significantly worsen the quality of life.

    Quite often acne patients can’t even imagine that all their problems are caused by psycho-emotional experiences. As a result, they develop dysmorphomania, which is a conviction in personal physical ugliness. In those cases, the help of a psychologist is needed. Only a professional can convince the patient in the opposite, promoting a quick and persistent cure.

    How to treat

    Often, super acne goes away by itself. However, in most cases, the result does not satisfy patients. Sometimes the condition requires an urgent help of the specialist.

    It is necessary to consult a dermatologist who can choose an effective therapy before starting treatment.

    According to the causes, the treatment may include:

    • General medicamental treatment, with a help of immunomodulators, vitamin, and hormone therapy.
    • Local therapy, with a use of creams containing salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, etc.
    • Microsurgical intervention, if there is a need for opening and draining the purulent areas.
    • Physiotherapy procedures can help to regulate the work of the sebaceous glands and improve the skin condition. Therapeutic baths, acupuncture, use of UVB lamps provide normal microcirculation.
    • Spa treatment promotes stable remission and improvement of skin condition.
    Posted: August 24, 2018 by UVB-lamps Team


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