Phototherapy slide

    UVB Phototherapy

    It has been known for the past couple decades that the 311nm range of Ultraviolet-B light, or UVB light, has therapeutic effects on skin disorders. A search of the literature about the use of artificial UVB (311nm) narrowband Phototherapy shows this method of treatment to be a safe and effective choice for chronic skin conditions such as psoriasis, vitiligo, atopic dermatitis (eczema), and other skin disorders. More recently, UVB Phototherapy has become the leading choice of treatment for vitiligo.

    The lightweight, handheld products we offer use Philips 311nm Narrowband lamps.

    At-home UVB Phototherapy is a convenient, affordable, and simple approach to treating skin disorders using the same technology used in clinics. Treatment sessions begin with exposing affected areas of the skin or scalp to the UVB light for less than a minute, and exposure time gradually increasing daily up to a couple minutes over a two week period. Because the UVB devices we offer are compact and portable, you won’t have to miss a daily treatment if you plan to be away from home.

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    Posted: January 24, 2012 by Donna Pa