At some point everyone who suffers from this disease was wondering, are there any treatments for psoriasis which will help to get rid of it forever. We would like to be honest when it comes to health issues. Today, such thing like treatment psoriasis completely doesn’t exist (means 100% recovery). But there is a good news. You can learn how to control disease and this article will help you.
Know your enemy or what is psoriasis?
Unlikely someone would be reading this just from the pure curiosity. Probably, you are already aware of what is psoriasis and psoriasis treatments, and what discomforts the patient with this diagnosis is going through. More likely you already have tried several treatments and experienced some disappointment. You might find interesting the information about light treatment for psoriasis, which is located under the block “What does it look like”. This information is for those who just have “faced” with this health issue.
Psoriasis is a noninfectious chronic disease of autoimmune origin. It appears as red inflammations or papules raised above the surface of the skin, which later forms psoriasis plaques. Papules are inflamed areas, where the skin cells are uncontrollably proliferating. From 2 to 3% of the Earth population suffer from this condition. Localization: skin.
According to the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Related Problems, there are several types of psoriasis:
- psoriasis vulgaris (occurs most often),
- pustular psoriasis,
- guttate psoriasis,
- flexural psoriasis,
- psoriasis of the nails,
- psoriatic arthritis,
- erythrodermic psoriasis.
What does it look like?

Pustular psoriasis

Psoriasis vulgaris

Guttate psoriasis

Nail Psoriasis
At-home psoriasis treatments: do they exist? Yes, definitely!
Today, one of the best treatment methods is UVB light therapy for psoriasis. What is it and how radiation can help.
Innovation that existed long time ago
The fact that phototherapy has a positive effect on various skin diseases was known 5,000 years ago in ancient Egypt. But the scientific explanation of the light therapy was officially discovered only in 1877 by Downs and Blunt. They first described the oppressive effect of the light on fungal spores. Then in 1903, it was proved that light therapy has a positive effect on the treatment of cutaneous tuberculosis. In the twentieth century, solar radiation studies were continued, along with a research of a certain wavelength radiation and its role in psoriasis treatment. Today, the impressive number of studies are ongoing, confirming the effectiveness of light therapy for psoriasis. For example, the study of the light therapy effect treatment of teardrop-shaped psoriasis, or the research of optimal radiation regime during psoriasis treatments. As you can see, this method is not brand you, and it has been successfully used before to control psoriasis aggravations.
Psoriasis light therapy: how does it work?
The spectrum of UV radiation is divided into several parts. Our lamps emit the optimal wavelength for treatments for psoriasis, which equals 311-313 nm. Initially (beginning in 1970) broadband UVB was used in clinics, under the doctor’s supervision. However, it became obvious, that narrow-band UVB (311-313 nm) has a number of advantages:

It allows achieving a positive result of the treatment in a short time (with a right choice of exposure).

It has a minimum of side effects (much less than broadband UVB).

Remission after light treatment of psoriasis with a wavelength of 311-313 nm lasts much longer.

It is safe for pregnant women.
While you are reading this article, our patients are already using the lamps for psoriasis light treatment. According to the researchers, in order to see a significant improvement of your skin conditions, patients with a moderate or severe form of disease need from 20 to 36 sessions of NB-UVB with a frequency of 3 times a week.
Attention! Don’t practice a self-treatment. Treatments for psoriasis should be discussed with your doctor.
If it is necessary, the doctor might recommend you a supportive measures or medications, to receive the best results in a shorter time period.
- In order for light therapy for psoriasis to be productive, the first step is to consult a doctor.
- Don’t forget to mention to you doctor if you already take any other medications. It can affect your treatment course.
- When using UVB lamp, the skin should be absolutely clean (make-up free, including nail polish, lotions, creams and emulsions).
- The eyes must be protected from direct radiation as well.