Eczema and Psoriasis: What Is The Difference?

    Mistakes made during self-treatment are common because not everyone has a medical education. We trust the internet, neighbors, and relatives, or we find “reliable” information from other sources. This attitude can damage our health and aggravate the disease. The article will help you understand the differences between eczema and psoriasis.

    What is common between eczema and psoriasis

    Often, dermatological diseases have similar symptoms which makes it difficult to accurately determine the diagnosis. As a rule, eczema and psoriasis are characterized by the following symptoms:

    • itching, irritation;
    • hyperemia of the skin;
    • rashes;
    • soreness;
    • non-contagiousness;
    • the development of relapses;
    • a hereditary factor of development;
    • presence of other somatic diseases;
    • begins in childhood or adulthood.

    It is easy to confuse the two diseases. We do not recommend self-diagnosing. It should be done only by a specialist. This article has only educational purposes.

    The differences

    It is necessary to consult a doctor to avoid mistakes and serious complications. Only the doctor can determine an accurate diagnosis and prescribe an effective treatment.

    However, under certain circumstances, it is impossible to contact a doctor immediately. There are some symptoms that will help understand the origin of rashes and what caused it.

    Origin of the diseasereaction to a specific trigger or allergenchronic autoimmune disease
    Prevalencecommonrelatively common
    Gendermainly in womenboth men and women
    Agechildren and adultsyoung and senior age
    Rash areaupper and lower limbs, facebody, head, upper and lower extremities, genitals, etc
    Character of rashes
    • red spots;
    • nodules;
    • combing;
    • itching;
    • burning;
    • peeling;
    • scales of gray-yellow color;
    • thinning of the epidermis.
    • red spot protruding above the surface of the skin;
    • papules;
    • flaking;
    • nodules;
    • plaques;
    • flakes of silvery-white color;
    • itching, slight burning.
    Dermographismpink intensivepink moderate
    • phenomenon of stearin stain;
    • symptom of the terminal film;
    • symptom of pinpoint bleeding.
    Nail plate changessymptom of a “thimble”
    • symptom of an “oil stain”;
    • symptom of a “thimble”;
    • polished nail plates;
    • onycholysis.
    Joint pain syndromeminorstrong

    Differences in treatment

    Eczema and psoriasis are dermatological diseases with chronic courses requiring a specialist. Choosing the wrong therapy can lead to complications and worsen the health condition.

    Treatment of psoriasis includes:

    • symptomatic treatment;
    • local application of topical medicines;
    • physiotherapy, including the use of UVB lamps to speed up the process of remission;
    • diet therapy, etc.

    When treating eczema:

    • avoid contact with the allergen;
    • general treatment (sedative, antihistamines, antimicrobial, hormonal drugs, etc.);
    • local treatment with ointments, lotions, etc .;
    • physiotherapy, including the use of UVB lamps to speed up the process of remission;
    • diet therapy, etc.

    Drugs and treatment methods should be prescribed only by a doctor, according to the diagnosis, including all personal conditions of the patient.

    How to avoid a relapse

    Psoriasis and eczema are accompanied by skin changes, so it is necessary to follow recommendations in order to avoid aggravations.

    It is necessary to moisturize the skin, since dryness leads to the formation of cracks and other complications.It is necessary to carefully watch the skin hygiene and handle the bursting vesicles, exclude the drying of the skin.
    Do not use scouring pads, cosmetic products, leading to excessive dryness of the skin.Do not use sponges or loofah during the aggravation period. Avoid saunas, baths, etc.
    It is forbidden to tear off the formed plaques, remove it gently in case of severe flaking.You can not rip off the crust, if this happens, you need to process the wounds to avoid infection.
    Balanced nutrition, water consumption at least 2 liters per day for an adult.Properly balanced diet, eliminate the allergic food component, which triggers the development of eczema (citrus, chocolate, coffee, etc.).
    Using UVB lampUsing UVB lamp
    Spa treatmentSpa treatment

    In conclusion, remember that only a specialist can determine the correct diagnosis and prescribe the treatment. Self-treatment not only doesn’t help, but also negatively affects the condition, delaying the period of remission.

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    Posted: September 9, 2018 by UVB-lamps Team


    2 Comments on "Eczema and Psoriasis: What Is The Difference?"

    1. Navdeep Kaur says:

      Yes, diagnostics are very important. We treated psoriasis so much, but it was eczema. So much time was lost. It’s good that there were no serious consequences.

    2. Vipin Rana says:

      Read the article, but the diagnosis should be definitely performed only by the doctor.

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    2 Comments on "Eczema and Psoriasis: What Is The Difference?"

    1. Navdeep Kaur says:

      Yes, diagnostics are very important. We treated psoriasis so much, but it was eczema. So much time was lost. It’s good that there were no serious consequences.

    2. Vipin Rana says:

      Read the article, but the diagnosis should be definitely performed only by the doctor.

    Here's your chance to leave a comment!

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