How to stop psoriasis? The leprosy of XX century

    That’s not accurate as for today – leprosy and psoriasis have nothing in common but the fact that the skin is affected. But a few centuries ago they wouldn’t see the difference and be completely sure that all skin diseases are contagious.

    It’s true that a person with psoriatic skin would be seen as a cursed one, a witch or just an imp in the Dark Times. The discolored skin patches were, of course, signs of the devil, so the best thing to do was to burn the diseased person or banish him for life. Then – science started to prevail and psoriasis was announced as a non-contagious illness. It’s interesting, but before Christianity came, people actually tried to cure it normally… Well, almost. They tried to use goose semen, onion juice, sea salt, wasp droppings and quite a lot of absurd stuff. In fact – some appeared to be a bit effective, by the stroke of luck.

    In early years of logical psoriasis treatment, a lot of different methods were tried, including various ointments, alcohol based herbal medicine and even cutting off the skin. As you may understand – the last way didn’t really give any results, except for some horrible scarring. Ointments, on the other hand, were considered quite an effective treatment. Sulfur spread, for example, could change the irregular skin regeneration rate and slow the progress of disease. In any way, up until XXI century, there was no way to stop psoriasis completely.

    To tell the truth – there still isn’t. Psoriasis is a serious immune system problem and we still don’t know how to cure this illness completely. There are known ways to stop its progress (read more: How to prevent psoriasis aggravation? and get rid of the symptoms, but you sure can’t be completely free if it.

    In terms of the most effective treatment, the one that really “stops” the illness is PUVA phototherapy. It’s basically UVA lamp applied in addition to a medicine called psoralen. As a way of clinical treatment, PUVA phototherapy is known as “the only way to cure psoriasis”, though that wouldn’t be accurate. As we said – there’s no way to get rid of it completely.

    If you have this problem and really want to help it – you should definitely try PUVA phototherapy in your local clinic. It will actually help you to live a normal life for the time of treatment. Once it’s over, you buy yourself a narrow band UVB or UVA lamp to continue the therapy yourself. You’ll be able to do that at home, when it’s convenient for you. Psoriasis will stay dormant for as long as you don’t stop this treatment.

    Posted: May 19, 2014 by Sarah Senton


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