What Is Guttate Psoriasis: Differences from Other Forms and How to Treat

    The psoriasis researchers discover new types of the disease that are less studied, which makes the determination of exact diagnosis difficult to determine. Guttate psoriasis is one of these less known forms. What it is, how it is different from other forms, and how to treat it.

    What is guttate psoriasis

    Guttate psoriasis is significantly different from other forms of the disease. This is a fairly rare pathology that occurs in young children, in both boys and girls.

    What causes the development of the disease

    The disease is not contagious and isn’t dangerous to others. The exact cause of the disease is unknown, but in 80% of cases, a triggering factor is a streptococcal infection.

    There are several more possible reasons for the development of this form of pathology in young people and children:

    • streptococcal infection (strep throat);
    • immunity disruptions;
    • chronic diseases;
    • infectious bacterial and viral diseases (measles, rubella, chicken pox, etc.);
    • genetic predisposition.

    What are the symptoms

    The clinical manifestations of guttate psoriasis significantly differ from other forms. Since the form of the rash has the form of a drop, it’s second name is “raindrop-like psoriasis”. There are several forms of pathology.

    Guttate psoriasis severity

    Guttate or raindrop-like psoriasis has the following severity forms:

    • The mild form is characterized by an area of rash covering about 3% of the skin, and is considered an easy form. Elements on the skin are single and appear instantly. The localization area is usually the trunk, legs, or arms. It is often accompanied by hyperpigmentation and can be triggered by a recent infection.
    • Moderate form. Affects up to 10% of the skin, the course of moderate severity. Rashes appear suddenly and are prone to peripheral growth. It is accompanied by itching. In this case, hospitalization is necessary.
    • Severe form. It is characterized by a wide spread of skin rashes over 10% of the skin. This form is accompanied by severe violations of the health condition, which requires immediate treatment in a hospital.

    Guttate psoriasis

    How is it different from other psoriasis types?

    Symptoms of guttate psoriasis differ from other types of disease:

    • it starts suddenly, often triggered by an infection;
    • the main element of the eruption is a bright red papule 3-15 mm in size and a has the shape of a drop;
    • rashes are accompanied by itching;
    • rash elements can transform into exudative psoriasis if injured;
    • localization of the rash at the initial stage is on the trunk and extremities;
    • face and nail plates are not affected;
    • can be resolved by itself or take a severe form;
    • the disappearance of the rash does not indicate a recovery.

    It is necessary to consult a specialist to determine the raindrop psoriasis diagnosis. The collective history, examination, the presence of a diagnostic triad (a symptom of stearin stain, terminal film, spot bleeding) and the results of laboratory tests will help determine the exact diagnosis and also start treatment in time.

    Laboratory studies suggest a general blood test to determine the number of leukocytes and ESR. The definition of C reactive protein for the presence of streptococcal infection and the presence of rheumatoid factor is needed. Taking a swab from the nasopharynx will help to determine the presence of hemolytic streptococcus and sensitivity to antibacterial drugs. Histological examination of skin cells will determine structural and morphological changes.

    How to treat guttate or raindrop psoriasis

    Treatment of the disease is quite long and requires strictly following the recommendations of a specialist. All measures suppose to remove disorders and improve the general health condition of the patient. The choice of which method depends on the severity of the disease, concomitant diseases, susceptibility, and other factors.

    Therapy includes a number of measures:

    • medications for improving the general condition (sedative, antihistamines, antibacterial, immunomodulating drugs, vitamin complexes);
    • local use of medicines (ointments, gels, etc.), which eliminate the symptoms of itching, the intensity of the spread of rashes, etc .;
    • medical baths;
    • plasmapheresis for the elimination of frequent relapses;
    • physiotherapy with UVB lamp.

    Patient’s memo

    In order to speed up the remission and decrease the chance of relapse, it is necessary to follow several dermatological recommendations:

    • proper nutrition contributes to the regulation of body processes (metabolism, immunity, etc.);
    • consumption of enough water – at least 2 liters per day is necessary for the prevention of dry skin;
    • avoid hot showers: water temperature should not exceed 98 F;
    • avoid saunas or steam rooms;
    • avoid the use of sponges, peelings, and other skin traumatizing products;
    • use skin moisturizing products;
    • sanitation of infected area (tonsillitis,etc.);
    • use of UVB lamps for the prevention of relapse;
    • medical baths with bran and other folk remedies;
    • vaccination in childhood can prevent the development of the disease;
    • annual resort or spa treatment;
    • regular examination by a specialist.

    Treatment depends on the severity of the disease. A timely visit to the doctor and early treatment will significantly speed up the recovery period, prevent the development of complications, and reduce the frequency of relapses.

    Posted: September 16, 2018 by UVB-lamps Team


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