Pregnancy and Skin Diseases

Besides the joy, a future mother can experience certain health problems, including an outbreak of chronic skin disease. It is not easy to treat it during pregnancy. Our articles have helpful information on this topic. Special time of your life Pregnancy brings so many changes to the female body that

Winter and Skin Diseases

Winter doesn’t just bring Christmas, vacations, and gifts from Santa. Many people experience severe aggravation of skin diseases during the cold season. Although the affected areas are easier to hide under clothes, the cold season is not the best time for skin. Winter problems and the solutions During the winter,

Latest Updates on Vitiligo: Treatment and Prevention

Only 1–2% of the world’s population suffers from vitiligo – about 100.000.000 people – way more than anyone could have imagined! In our blog, you will find a lot of information about vitiligo and treatment recommendations, tips on lifestyle, and a FAQ. Learn more to stay healthy! Educate Yourself Some

Psoriasis: Treatment and Prevention

Psoriasis is a quite severe and complicated chronic skin disease. However, it is not so rare. According to an IFPA study in 2010, 125,000,000 people suffer from psoriasis, which is every 25th person on the planet. We have written many articles about psoriasis, which include general information about the disease