Vitiligo and Diabetes: How to Choose the Right Treatment?

    In most cases, skin diseases are symptoms of other chronic pathologies. Vitiligo is not an exception. It is commonly associated with diabetes mellitus. What are the treatment options in this case?

    Vitiligo and Diabetes

    Diabetes is an endocrine disease that is caused by pancreatic dysfunction. The condition is accompanied by numerous pathological changes, both from the biochemical processes and the immune system.

    Diabetes mellitus is a disease that is quite common around the world. According to the WHO, by 2030, diabetes will occupy the seventh place among the leading causes of death.

    Vitiligo caused by diabetes: why does it happen?

    Type I diabetes mellitus is associated with autoimmune disorders that destroy beta cells of the pancreas. It leads to pathological changes in metabolism and other biochemical processes. Besides its common symptoms, diabetes can be accompanied by some skin diseases:

    • Diabetic scleredema.
    • Acanthokeratoderma.
    • Diabetic lipodystrophy.
    • Diabetic dermopathy.
    • Eruptive xanthomatosis.
    • Psoriasis.
    • Disseminated annular granuloma.
    • Vitiligo.

    Very often, vitiligo accompanies type I diabetes mellitus and can be a sign of developing pathology. The disease can appear long before the first clinical manifestations.

    It initially appears as a small spot, anywhere from 0.2 to 0.6 cm. Typical localization is on the face, neck, chest, abdomen, or extremities. Usually, a single spot is rapidly growing and spreading.

    Unlike the other forms of vitiligo, the one that is associated with diabetes mellitus can be cured on its own. The condition is just a cosmetic defect and a reaction to the development of pigment melanin. Diabetes is much more dangerous. It can cause many other serious complications.


    How to treat vitiligo during diabetes

    Of course, with such pathologies, it is necessary to pay attention to everyone. In case vitiligo is a result of type I diabetes, a general treatment course should be applied.

    Therapy should be prescribed only by a specialist, considering medical history, the examination, and the results of laboratory tests. The treatment method includes:

    • Diet, which excludes products with sugar content, flour products, fatty, fried, spicy dishes, etc. You should include vegetables, fruits (given diabetes), meat and fish of low-fat varieties, seafood, cereals, and dairy products in your nutrition. Use different vegetable oils (olive, sesame, linseed, pumpkin, etc.) and green tea, which are recommended not only in the case of vitiligo, but also with diabetes mellitus condition.
    • Sun exposure is prohibited. Always use cosmetics with sunscreen.
    • Psychotherapy, of vitiligo and diabetes were caused by stress and neurosis.
    • Phytotherapy. When combined with medication, it helps to speed up the remission process.
    • Physiotherapy to strengthen the results of the treatment.
    • Drug treatment for insulin deficiency, symptomatic drugs. However, the use of glucocorticoids in the treatment of vitiligo is not recommended with diabetes mellitus.
    • Vitamins will give positive results, not only in strengthening immunity. Some of them contribute to the persistent remission of vitiligo. A positive effect of folic acid on the depigmentation and decreasing the risk of relapse has been proven.
    • Local treatment will remove a cosmetic defect of vitiligo and prevent other skin diseases that occur due to diabetes mellitus.

    Today, UVB lamps are successfully used to relieve local symptoms and prolong the remission of vitiligo with type I diabetes.

    Posted: March 14, 2018 by UVB-lamps Team


    2 Comments on "Vitiligo and Diabetes: How to Choose the Right Treatment?"

    1. Jee SaSha says:

      Do you need to use local therapy in addition to the lamp?

    2. Elaine Villafuerte says:

      I didn’t use anything. Just the lamp. It won’t help right away, but the improvements are visible.

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    2 Comments on "Vitiligo and Diabetes: How to Choose the Right Treatment?"

    1. Jee SaSha says:

      Do you need to use local therapy in addition to the lamp?

    2. Elaine Villafuerte says:

      I didn’t use anything. Just the lamp. It won’t help right away, but the improvements are visible.

    Leave a Comment to Jee SaSha

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