What Is The Difference Between Nail Psoriasis and Fungal Infection

Our hands can tell about the lifestyle we live, habits we have, and most importantly, about the state of our health. Changes in the nail structure can be a sign of numerous diseases that are difficult to determine. Let’s talk about the differences between nail psoriasis and fungal infection, or

What Is Guttate Psoriasis: Differences from Other Forms and How to Treat

The psoriasis researchers discover new types of the disease that are less studied, which makes the determination of exact diagnosis difficult to determine. Guttate psoriasis is one of these less known forms. What it is, how it is different from other forms, and how to treat it. What is guttate

Nummular Eczema: Causes and Effective Treatment

Nummular eczema is one of the multiple eczema types. It took its name from the form of a rash. Nummus means “coin” in Latin. The disease is rather complicated and brings a number of discomforts, both aesthetic and physical. What causes the disease? What methods of treatment do we know?

Eczema and Psoriasis: What Is The Difference?

Mistakes made during self-treatment are common because not everyone has a medical education. We trust the internet, neighbors, and relatives, or we find “reliable” information from other sources. This attitude can damage our health and aggravate the disease. The article will help you understand the differences between eczema and psoriasis.

Dyshidrotic Eczema: Overview, Causes, Treatment

Dyshidrotic eczema is a common form of a chronic dermatological disease. The symptoms affect the general physical state of the patient and cause aesthetic problems. What causes this type of eczema, and how can you treat the disease? What is dyshidrotic eczema? A dysfunction of the sweat glands was considered

How to Take Care of Your Skin in Hot Weather

High temperatures, direct sunlight, low or high humidity can cause not only a number of dermatological problems but also aggravate skin diseases. Some of the other symptoms are dryness, the appearance of wrinkles, and an unhealthy color. How can this be prevented? Let’s talk about skincare for when it’s hot