Nail Fungus Treatment with Phototherapy

    There are many types of nail diseases that everyone has experienced at least once during their life. Some of them are quite complicated and difficult to cure, while others are harmless. The good news is that medicine is constantly developing, and new treatment methods appear constantly, one of them is UVB narrowband phototherapy which is getting very popular.

    Fungus can be cured with the right treatment method

    Nails affected by fungal infection are one of the most unpleasant situations, even though it’s quite common. Treatment can vary in any particular case, depending on the stage of the disease.

    In some cases, natural remedies can be all that is needed, while in others, only medications can help. But in any case, only the doctor can diagnose the disease correctly and suggest the right treatment.

    Usually, the mild form of a disease can be treated with medicines. If they are not helping, the next step is laser treatment, infrared or ultraviolet irradiation, in combination with medicines prescribed by the specialist, depending on the individual case.

    UVB nail

    With the correctly chosen method, any treatment will bring the desirable result. The choice depends on how quickly you want to recover and your financial opportunities. Various creams and ointments are cheaper, compared to the laser therapies, which bring much quicker results and are absolutely safe.

    The stage of the disease can be determined only by the specialist, who will calculate the exact number of irradiation sessions and prescribe the necessary medications. The procedure won’t bring any pain or discomfort. It lasts about 30 minutes and removes the fungus completely.

    Today, UV-lamps have become available for everyone, so you can buy them any time you need to use them at home. In order to avoid fungus, you should treat your shoes. It has been proven that the best way to do this is with UV light. If you don’t have a special lamp, it`s enough to let your favorite sneakers stay out in the sun. UV-light helps to control even very serious diseases, like psoriasis (more details here: Straight sunlight can be used not only for shoe cleaning, but also on the tools or conditioning system disinfection.

    UV therapy is the best choice for nail treatment

    Skin therapy with light is not only one of the most effective treatment methods, but also one of the most popular. By using any medication, cream, or ointment, you can damage the nail plate, which is not possible during light therapy. Also, there is no chance for the infection to return, since the light destroys fungal spores. It is scientifically proven that ultraviolet light can destroy spores and harmful bacteria.

    Fungal nail problems are not life threatening diseases, but they bring discomfort, itchiness, nail deformation, and self-esteem issues. That’s why it requires treatment in order to not make the situation worse and to prevent it from infecting the entire foot. You have to realize that self-treatment can be dangerous, especially if the disease is already in a complicated state. You should immediately contact your doctor if you notice the first signs of fungus. Otherwise, there is no guarantee for successful recovery. Like with other skin diseases, such as eczema and psoriasis, it brings a lot of discomfort to the people who suffer from them.

    Posted: January 4, 2018 by UVB-lamps Team


    6 Comments on "Nail Fungus Treatment with Phototherapy"

    1. Sayani Saha says:

      As far as I know, UV narrow band light therapy inhibits the fungal growth without penetrating the nail plate.

    2. Angel Mira says:

      It is considered that UV lamp cannot be used for the treatment of nail diseases. I saw positive results of this treatment, but it was a complex therapy.

    3. Edith D Thurman says:

      Narrow band UV light does cure nail fungus, so why they say it doesn’t is beyond me! So if you have a home UB nail lamp you’re good to go. I would wear protective gloves, because I use gel nails and my hands are getting darker from the light. I have ordered gloves they just are not here yet.

    4. Roger Hawkins says:

      I have yet to see any conclusive evidence that UV light (both near and far spectrum) has any effect on Tinea Pedis the main causative pathogen in fungal nail presentation. I can see no merit in LHE (technology employed in commercial units sold in the retail market) which utilises low energy low wavelength blue light in fungal nail treatments

    5. OMGWTFZPMBBQ says:

      UVB light probably does work, the tricky part is getting a good optical matching with the nail to stop all the light just reflecting back.

    6. Leon Treurnich says:

      I can vouch that UV works great. I happen to own a NB UVB lamp (Narrow Band
      UV B) for treating psoriasis. This is a
      powerful & dangerous lamp – 60 seconds on a “virgin” patch of skin will
      burn it (similar to burning from arc welding). Just like tanning, you need to start low
      and build up as your skin gets used to the light. In other words, this is not like the nail
      polish dryer lamps I read about. Anyway
      I have 1 finger nail that became infected with a fungus twice before. Don’t know why only this nail. This time I tried the UV lamp, going with a
      40 second exposure (up close). Your
      hands are more used to sunlight so there was no burning. Within a week I could see the difference. I
      did a session about every 3rd to 4th day, and it disappeared at the
      speed of the nail growing out. Benefits
      are (apart from not taking systemic medicine) that it gets the whole nail, and
      since the fungus is eating from the far end, it works much faster than the
      medicine which has to be embedded into the nail from the nailbed side, and thus
      takes many weeks to reach the fungus.

    Leave a Comment to Edith D Thurman

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    6 Comments on "Nail Fungus Treatment with Phototherapy"

    1. Sayani Saha says:

      As far as I know, UV narrow band light therapy inhibits the fungal growth without penetrating the nail plate.

    2. Angel Mira says:

      It is considered that UV lamp cannot be used for the treatment of nail diseases. I saw positive results of this treatment, but it was a complex therapy.

    3. Edith D Thurman says:

      Narrow band UV light does cure nail fungus, so why they say it doesn’t is beyond me! So if you have a home UB nail lamp you’re good to go. I would wear protective gloves, because I use gel nails and my hands are getting darker from the light. I have ordered gloves they just are not here yet.

    4. Roger Hawkins says:

      I have yet to see any conclusive evidence that UV light (both near and far spectrum) has any effect on Tinea Pedis the main causative pathogen in fungal nail presentation. I can see no merit in LHE (technology employed in commercial units sold in the retail market) which utilises low energy low wavelength blue light in fungal nail treatments

    5. OMGWTFZPMBBQ says:

      UVB light probably does work, the tricky part is getting a good optical matching with the nail to stop all the light just reflecting back.

    6. Leon Treurnich says:

      I can vouch that UV works great. I happen to own a NB UVB lamp (Narrow Band
      UV B) for treating psoriasis. This is a
      powerful & dangerous lamp – 60 seconds on a “virgin” patch of skin will
      burn it (similar to burning from arc welding). Just like tanning, you need to start low
      and build up as your skin gets used to the light. In other words, this is not like the nail
      polish dryer lamps I read about. Anyway
      I have 1 finger nail that became infected with a fungus twice before. Don’t know why only this nail. This time I tried the UV lamp, going with a
      40 second exposure (up close). Your
      hands are more used to sunlight so there was no burning. Within a week I could see the difference. I
      did a session about every 3rd to 4th day, and it disappeared at the
      speed of the nail growing out. Benefits
      are (apart from not taking systemic medicine) that it gets the whole nail, and
      since the fungus is eating from the far end, it works much faster than the
      medicine which has to be embedded into the nail from the nailbed side, and thus
      takes many weeks to reach the fungus.

    Leave a Comment to Edith D Thurman

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